| Bike lane


Recycled, cost-effective, and quick to deploy... Materrup bike lanes offer mechanical performance while valorizing waste and preserving natural resources. By combining technology, recycling, and implementation methods, Materrup offers you to make no compromises for aesthetic and virtuous bike lanes, made of compacted road concrete. Carbon footprint: 50% reduction in carbon footprint compared to an equivalent conventional rapid-hardening hydraulic binder.

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  • Made for :
  • Advantages
  • Carbon footprint
  • Technologies
  • Finish
  • Liant bas carbone Materrup
  • OPTION : granulats recyclés et valorisés

This combination does not exist.

| Bike lane
| Bike lane
| Piste cyclable mise en oeuvre
| Piste cyclable bas carbone
| Piste cyclable

A high environmental value solution that preserves natural resources and biodiversity

Recycled, cost-effective, and quick to deploy... Materrup bike lanes offer mechanical performance while valorizing waste and preserving natural resources. 

By combining technology, recycling, and implementation methods, Materrup offers you to make no compromises for aesthetic and virtuous bike lanes, made of compacted road concrete. 

Carbon footprint: 50% reduction compared to an equivalent conventional rapid-hardening hydraulic binder.

Preserving Natural Resources:

  • 75% of the sand used comes from short-cycle recycling (dredged sand) - UNIQUENESS OPTION UNELO
  • 100% of the binder benefits from MATERRUP's CCC© technology: clay-based cement from locally sourced clay waste in a short cycle, -50% carbon, -50% embedded energy
  • Limiting the use of fossil fuels: use of non-calcined clay cement MCC1© and cold application

Protecting Biodiversity:

  • Formulation without limestone materials that do not alter the pH of natural soil
  • Very low environmental impact in material formulation
  • Very low environmental impact in implementation

Protecting Humans on Construction Sites:

  • Zero impact on the health of workers and residents during construction
  • No thermal emissions during implementation
  • No toxic fumes for applicators

Protecting Humans in Use:

  • Better light reflection
  • Reduced heat islands due to high albedo effect
  • Aesthetic appeal with a natural sand color tint
  • Various finishes to adapt to your projects: brushed, troweled, or rough 

No compromises on mechanical and economic performance... What is RCC - Roller Compacted Concrete?


  • High mechanical properties
  • Longevity
  • Suitable for heavy and/or repeated loads, even in unfavorable conditions
  • Insensitivity to deformations due to heat
  • Very good resistance to erosion and abrasion
  • Very good resistance to weathering and temperature variations (extreme heat and cold)
  • Very good resistance to chemical aggressions: fuels, oils, solvents, and other fluids

Simple and quick implementation

  • Faster than an asphalt construction site 
  • Fixed or mobile Ready-Mix Concrete production units
  • Quick implementation, therefore minimal disruption time in spaces
  • Very quick return to service

Economic Solution:

  • Economical solution compared to conventional asphalt
  • No costly preparation: no waterproofing or surfacing, reduction of underlying granular structure thicknesses
  • Low maintenance costs 
  • Few repairs during its useful life
  • Reduced lighting needs due to light color.


Low carbon
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Circular economy
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Ease of implementation
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Low Energy Intensity
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Recycled and recyclable
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High Albedo
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Made for : Roadworks
Advantages Recycled sand
Carbon footprint Reduced by half compared to conventional cement.
Technologies Ciment MCC1© - Technologie CCC©
Liant bas carbone Materrup Argile non calcinée issue de déchets locaux en circuit-court
OPTION : granulats recyclés et valorisés Sable local recyclé

Exposure classes according to formulations XF1 , XF2
consistency class S1
Fire reaction A1
Classe mécanique BC2 - BC4
Résistance en traction indirecte par fendage > 1,7 MPa
Module en compression Ec à 28 jours minimum 20GPa
Aligné sur la norme NF P 98-170
Classes de résistance C20/25 (BC2) - C25/30(BC3) - C30/37 (BC4)

Pistes cyclables
Couches de roulement
Aires de travail industrielles
Aires de stationnement
Terminaux de transport