OUR certifications

Our innovative solutions validated by construction experts

certification CSTB Materrup

Whether it's the mechanical strength of the produced concrete, their workability, resistance to cold or freezing, or durability, all the benefits offered by our technologies have been thoroughly tested. 

We conduct our tests in close collaboration with our certifying partners, construction partners, and manufacturing partners – the brands that integrate our technologies into their products.

One objective: Ensure that not only MATERRUP cements meet our high-quality standards, but also the concrete products manufactured by these brands.

An official technical evaluation validated by the CSTB (French Technical Center for Building).

In July 2022, the Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB) awarded the Technical Evaluation of Products and Materials (ETPM) certification for our uncalcined clay cement

This ETPM serves as the identity card for Materrup MCC1® clay cement, validating its structural characteristics. It enables us to deploy the Crosslinked Clay Cement® technology with our ready-mix concrete partners, precasters, and builders.

Refer to the official ETPM-22/0077  


Foundations, floorings, walls

C25/30 - C30/37 -  C35/45

Structural & NA

Reinforced & NA

Exposure classes
XC4, XF1 & XF3

100 ans

Certifications flooring & foundation
ATEx type A 


Temps de prise au jeune âge
Identique au conventionnel

based on tests conducted by Setec Lerm (Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Matériaux) and LMDC Toulouse-Tarbes.

LMDC Setec Lerm

The CSTB has validated an ATEX type A for MATERRUP foundations

The scope of application of the MCC1® process - Foundations is intended for the construction of all types of shallow foundations or reinforced concrete slabs for new or existing buildings, with or without infrastructure levels.

• Residential building for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ;

• Public establishment, from 1st to 5th category ;

• Buildings subject to the Labor Code;

• Foundation for wind turbine, solar panels, etc.

Refer to the official ATEx N°3199-V1

Based on the technical assessment of experimentation by CSTB under reference ATEx 3199_V1 

The CSTB has approved an ATEX type A for Materrup floor slabs

Any industrial premises such as factories, workshops, warehouses, storage, etc., regardless of their operating loads.

• Commercial premises or similar, such as a store, shop, hall, storage, cold room;

• Individual houses, attached garages, and basements;

• Residential building for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th family, collective housing, or accommodation purposes.

•  Public establishment, from 1st to 5th category, administrative or office, healthcare, hospital, clinic or dispensary, educational or university, sports, entertainment, exhibition, or place of worship;

•  Garage or parking facilities for light vehicles;

•  Agricole ;

•  Outdoor areas (staging area, storage, etc.) with a use other than roadway.

Refer to the official ATEx N°3218-V1

Based on the technical assessment of experimentation by CSTB under the reference ATEx 3218-V1 

A strategic agreement with CSTB to accelerate Materrup technology

On July 28, 2023, Etienne CREPON, President of CSTB, and Mathieu Neuville, CEO of MATERRUP, sealed a binding strategic partnership agreement for the coming years to accelerate the deployment of the CCC© technology based on uncalcined clay, through an evaluation process tailored by CSTB.

Having worked together for over 4 years, this alliance is part of a shared commitment to the international influence of French scientific and technical expertise.

By incorporating circular economy principles and the preservation of natural resources into its uncalcined clay cement, MATERRUP already provides a mature and certified solution for numerous applications, both structural and non-structural.

Devis Materrup

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